How to log into the ASI VPN

Logging into the ASI VPN

Firstly, VPN access is only available to those using an ASI laptop or phone.  ASI laptops and phones regularly update the VPN profile to ensure you have the latest security standards. 

To connect to the VPN in Windows, click on your WiFi icon in the bottom right hand of the screen and select "ASI VPN London".  

When first logging into the VPN or follow a substantial change, you may be asked to reauthenticate (log in).  For this you need to enter your user name in the following format:


For example, "ASI\Adrian.Hollister".  This differs from the standard email address as it must support older technology such as legacy finance and payroll systems.

The password is your usual ASI password.

So in summary, use ASI\Firstname.Lastname as your username and your standard ASI password as the password.